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Kansas Section President’s Message


Dear ASCE Members:


The ASCE Kansas Section endeavors to provide our members with the best services in Kansas to build a better environment for civil engineers, including but not limited to, disseminating knowledge, building contacts, and supporting community service. To disseminate best practices and new knowledge, Daniel Schrant takes the lead in organizing an annual Kansas Civil Engineering Conference. The 2024 Kansas Civil Engineering Conference successfully brought more than 125 participants to the event. To serve our community, student chapters organized and led student engineers to clean up highways in Kansas. These sort of activities not only encourage our students to provide community service to better our society but inspire them to engage in infrastructure design and safety. I would also like to mention that our ASCE Day Coffee Social event, regularly organized in the fall, offers a great opportunity to exchange ideas in person and build contacts in different cities such as Lawrence, Manhattan, Topeka, and Wichita. Not to mention, our October meeting, organized by past President James Ubert, introduced innovative ideas in road design.


The Future Cities competition is one of the upcoming events at the Kansas Section. It introduces teenagers to the field and profession of civil engineering, inspiring a new generation of professionals and scholars. I would like to thank to Kevin Koester for his work annually organizing and growing this competition. Also, I would like to utilize this opportunity to promote the ASCE Kansas Section Awards. Please do not hesitate to nominate yourself or your colleagues to our Outstanding Younger Member, Member, Faculty Practitioner Advisor, or Lifetime Achievement Awards. More activities can be found at the ASCE Kansas Section’s website. Development of ASCE Kansas Section relies on everybody’s devotion, and I am proud to see our young engineers, such as Ryan Bowman and many others, devote themselves to serving this society.  


All in all, the most important thing is your and your family’s health and safety. We wish you and your family a Safe and Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year of 2025.


Chien-Ho Ko, Ph.D., P.E.

ASCE Kansas Section President


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